Glycolic Skin Peel

Glycolic Skin Peel – A refreshing anti-ageing treatment with no downtime, this peel penetrates the top layer of your skin and encourages the natural exfoliation process; leaving you with fresher, younger looking skin.

Peels can be good for fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, acne scars, blackheads, sun damage, large pores, uneven pigmentation and blemishes. Some people use peels on a regular basis to maintain the skin and keep it looking healthy and young. This process is safe and encourages a new, healthier skin to replace it.

Who is not suitable for a chemical peel?

Glycolic Skin Peels are not advisable if you are pregnant or breast feeding or you have been prescribed Roaccutane in the past 6 months.

Single Treatment

Face and Neck£60.00
Back of Hands Only£25.00
Face, Neck and Backs of Hands£65.00

Book a Course of Treatments

Course of 3 get One FREE – £150 ( includes Neck Area)